Help for those affected by the earthquake

Freudenberg donates 250,000 euros for those affected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria

The pictures and news from Turkey and Syria are shocking. The scale of death and destruction is deeply concerning. “Our sympathies go out to all those affected and their families, especially those who have suffered injuries or the loss of loved ones. We hope that rescue efforts will be carried out quickly and effectively, and that everything possible will be done to help those affected during this difficult time,” says Freudenberg CEO Dr. Mohsen Sohi about the situation. The Freudenberg Group wants to help with the rescue efforts and is donating 250,000 euros to Aktion Deutschland Hilft e.V. and the Red Cross / Turkish Red Crescent.

Freudenberg has maintained business relations with Turkey since the company’s founding in 1849. Overall, we employ almost 2,000 people at 14 locations and are represented by six Business Groups in Turkey.

According to current knowledge, all Freudenberg employees in Turkey are safe.