Through e² Freudenberg has partnered with Planet Water to install nine AquaTowers in remote locations where clean water isn’t typically readily available.
16,200 people around the world now have access to clean water for drinking and washing their hands, thanks to Freudenberg’s investment in Planet Water’s AquaTowers. Since 2020, nine AquaTowers have been installed at schools in Mexico, India and Thailand with the help of Freudenberg employees.
My friends and I could not drink clean water until today. Now, I will be excited all the time to attend school because we have access to safe water.
Kis Kon, Student at Ban Khao Kha Primary School (Sa Kaeo, Thailand)

Planet Water’s AquaTower technology takes water from rivers, wells or streams and removes bacteria, viruses and other contaminants making it safe to drink.
The first Freudenberg funded Planet Water AquaTower was installed in August 2020 at Zilla Parishad Primary School, Maharashtra, India. After two years, this system is still very effective in this community, and staff at the school say they are seeing a positive effect on the health of their students.
Our students are often sick if they drink dirty water. We are very grateful for Freudenberg's project, which will undoubtedly help improve the quality of life of our people.
Erasmo Guerrero, School Principal at Escuela Primaria Rafael de Quevedo (Santa Rosa, Aguascalientes, Mexico)
During the day, students can access the AquaTowers for drinking and washing their hands, but after school hours everyone from the village is able to come and fill up containers with clean water.
Seeing the sustainable change our employees are making in the lives of people around the world is empowering. I am proud of Freudenberg’s employees who volunteer to make a difference through e².
Hanno Wentzler, e2 Steering Committee Chairman
In addition to clean drinking water, these AquaTowers provide rural communities with handwashing and sanitation infrastructure. In the schools, they serve as a tool to teach students activity-based hygiene education programs. Creating better access to clean, safe drinking water is a continued focus for Freudenberg through its partnership with the Planet Water Foundation.