Apollo Hope Primary School

Annual support tour

Recently, a team of colleagues from Shunde visited the Apollo Hope Primary School. The visit coincided with ​Children's Day in China on June 1st, making it even more special.

In a very special lesson, the children got to know the new teachers, who made crafts and played different ​games with them.​ Craft classes and science experiments showcased the children's remarkable skills and ignited their passion for learning and exploration. By investing in the education and well-being of these children, we are making a meaningful impact on their lives and the community. 

We would like to express our gratitude to all the volunteers who dedicated their time and efforts to make this visit a success. Together, we can continue to make a difference and support initiatives that promote education, sustainability and the well-being of communities around us. 

Impressions of the day at Apollo Hope Primary School

Apollo Hope Primary School 

The Apollo Group is having a close cooperation with the Apollo Hope Primary School since 2015, when it provided construction aid, followed by regular interaction between Apollo’s employees and the school. 

When the Joint Venture Freudenberg Apollo Filtration Technologies was founded in April 2019, the management of Freudenberg Filtration Technologies decided to continue the CSR activities. As part of that, the company will invest in the infrastructure of the school as well as taking care about the students in need.

The Apollo Hope Primary School, formerly the Pin Nan Guyong Primary School was established in the 1990s. It is located in Daxin town, Pin nan city, in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The school has a history of 25 years.

Before Apollo started to support the school it was facing closure, as the teaching building was at risk of collapsing and the school was short of teaching space, equipment and textbooks.


Consequently, more than 130 students from four nearby villages would have had no school anymore. Many pupils would have been forced to go to schools far away from home. Thanks to Apollo`s effort the school was brought back to life.


e² Project: Planned investments for the near future

Freudenberg Filtration Technologies will continue its long-term support for the Apollo Hope Primary School in Guangxi. A major step towards this goal was taken in May 2020 when it was decided that Freudenberg would invest in extensive renovation and expansion measures. The school project was added to the list of Group-wide e2-initiatives. 

The program supports environmental and educational initiatives. In Guangxi, a total of 63,000 euros will be invested in an auditorium, new toilets, a school library and a drinking water filtration system. In addition to this financial commitment, Freudenberg employees will continue to visit the school regularly, help to organize lessons and contribute to the promotion of cultural exchange.