More than just a picture: Surprising, moving, and simply beautiful snapshots from the world of Klüber Lubrication and the story behind them.
In the UK suicide is the single leading cause of death of men under 50. A situation that needs to change, Paul Lambert finds. That is why the Technical Service Engineer at Klüber Lubrication in the UK decided to take part in this year’s Yorkshire Challenge, a 100-kilometre ultra-challenge walk in support of James’ Place Charity. James’ Place provides professional therapy for men in suicidal crisis. “I wanted to challenge myself and signing up for the event gave me focus. It also motivated me to go out no matter the weather. But then I also thought I might as well do it for something other than just my personal enjoyment,” Paul Lambert explains. So, he talked with James’ Place and told them he wanted to support their cause.

Paul Lambert (Technical Service Engineer at Klüber Lubrication in the UK) took part in this year’s Yorkshire Challenge to supported men with mental health problems.
Photo: privat
I think men especially aren’t very good at talking and expressing themselves. James’ Place gives them the tools to recognise the situation they’re in and deal with it instead of giving up.
Paul Lambert, Technical Service Engineer at Klüber Lubrication in Great Britain
“Mental health services in the UK aren’t quite what they should be and so we rely on charities. I think men especially aren’t very good at talking and expressing themselves. James’ Place gives them the tools to recognise the situation they’re in and deal with it instead of giving up. I think that’s a worthy cause,” he says. In the end he was able to raise £2,600 even though he only completed half of the challenge due to injury. Though disappointed, Paul Lambert has already decided to try again: “For a couple of days I was a bit down, but I also got a lot of support from people. And so, I am going to sign up again next year because I really want to prove to myself that I can do it”.
James’ Place
James' Place is a registered charity and is funded almost entirely by voluntary donations from charities, businesses and individual supporters. The charity's aim is to prevent suicide and is specifically aimed at men. The team at James' Place want to ensure that anyone in suicidal crisis receives help and that they can have hope for the future.
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